So a couple of days ago, my hubby and I went to have an ultrasound done to find out the sex of baby #2. We had both picked what we thought the sex of the baby would be before hand. I won!!! We are having a little boy and Seth will be getting a little brother.
Once the sex of the baby was confirmed the room got really quite because deep down I think we were both hoping for a little girl and we were in a bit of a shock. We don't plan on having any more kids either way so we had hoped to have one of each. However I think I might have had an inkling that it was a boy and just didn't want to say anything. Well our two little guys will be just 18 mos apart and I hope they will grow up to be fast friends.
Now we are getting down to business about picking a name. With Seth we had picked out his name before we even had the ultrasound to confirm the sex of the baby. I felt from the get go that it would be a boy and only looked for boy names. With this little one I had a girl's name picked out but have been struggling with a boy name.
We have some of our favorites picked out:
once we settle on a first name we can then think of a middle name, but for now we can't seem to make a decision.
We still have a whole 4 mos to go before we even have to worry about having the name ready.
We shall see what happens...