
I am done with my first week of 3/ 10 + hour days... I am so happy I could scream. Last night my son was a little punk because he decided that he was gonna wake up every hour and make sure I hear him and wake up too. I guess he missed my company.

Needless to say I got 3 very broken up hours of sleep and I had to be out the door at 6:30 AM this morning for work. I honestly thought that I would fall asleep in the middle of an appointment at some point today. But by God's grace and the help of much caffeine, I am still awake and going at 9 pm.  To read this you would think I'm complaining but I am actually bragging... :) I am very proud of myself. I had a great attitude all day today, I prayed and asked God for strength to help me be positive with each patient and to really do my best for each one and I really feel that he answered my prayer. I love what I do and I am praying for God to help me find a permanent position in the right office for me. Hopefully before this year is out... hehe

Ok so I'm gonna go back a day to yesterday...
I wanted to blog yesterday since I had a great day on the town with my little guy and my brother but blogger decided to do some crazy stuff and not work last night.
So here is a snippet of our day:

my brother Cosmin and my son Seth...

not really!

My pastry:  Almond Croissant... oh my goodness my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Vanilla bean danish (Cosmin's pastry) it tasted like a Romanian Brinzoica --- oh my gosh if you've ever had it you'd know it's out of this world. Absolutely perfect. Going back to this bakery for this one. 

balancing bike... meant for 2 and above it helps teach kids to ride their bike it has no pedals or brakes the child pushes him/herself around with their feet. Interesting idea! Not sure if I'm a fan or not... but Seth sure liked it.

Sophie the French Giraffe

seriously mom I thought this was my toy.

fine then... I guess I'll just chew on my hands.

Oh thank you thank you... finally have my chew toy back.... hehe

So this little Sophie toy is a French made chew toy, it's been made in France since May 25th of 1961 and is one of the most popular chew toys out there. We were in downtown yesterday and stopped by my favorite baby boutique "Posh Baby".
Posh Baby is one of the best baby boutiques out there, they have some of the best clothes, toys and all sorts of baby necessities you could  need and/or want. It's all very unique not the every day stuff you would find at Target. I think that sometimes you just need a little bit of something special. Like yesterday for example, Seth needed this little cute toy.  I had no real choice since he grabbed it and put it into his mouth and the sales lady was right there. Oh well he loves it so I am glad he got it.

Forward and Onward....

I am looking forward to the long weekend with my family. Amazingly my husband has taken tomorrow off and we are gonna have a great weekend together.  That is the plan... I am speaking positive things into my life... they say it works. Let's see how well..
