I know… never thought I'd do it but here we go... in a couple of days we are off for 5 days on a camping trip. My hubby and I have always loved camping and aside for one trip where I was expecting my board examinations results in the mail that very week I have enjoyed all the camping trips I've been on in my 30 years of life. However, since we have become parents we have not gone camping at all. So after a day visit to my parents camp site last saturday I got it set in my mind that we have got to take a camping trip before the summer is out.
So now we are doing it. Mind you, we are not roughing it at all… nope we rented a little tent trailer with all of the amenities like water and heat :). Ok it's not like we are taking an RV with a tv and all that but still I'm thinking it will be much more comfy inside the trailer than it would be in a tent. Along for the ride with us are my sister-in-law, her hubby and their baby girl Elise and toddler Abby. There will be 4 adults and 3 babies on this trip. Wow do you think we are biting off more than we can handle??? I hope not. I'm assuming that there will be some bumps especially in the night time :) but I hope we will get enough rest to have a good time during the day.
On the agenda for our trip I envision long walks in the sand (oh yeah did I mention our camp is at the beach… my favorite) sitting around the campfire, eating good fun grub, playing with the kids in the sand and playing Remi after the kids go to sleep. I hope that my hopes all pan out. I configured a check off list for us to make sure we don't leave anything behind, hopefully we will be prepared for any and all occurrences.
If you have any suggestions for our trip please feel free to send them my way.