Great day....

This morning at 6:30 am I got called in to work at my favorite office, Mt.Scott Family Dental. This office has called me in before to cover vacations and every time I go I get such a warm greeting from the whole staff. They are truly one of a kind office. I've worked in many different places where the people are great but the office is not a quality dental office and vice versa, well I can definitely say that this office is a cut above the rest.
The quality of care and attention to detail is outstanding and the friendliness of the staff is truly genuine. I get excited for work every time I get called to return to this office. I will be there tomorrow as well and I'm looking forward to it, which is hard to believe because normally I wouldn't want to leave Seth for anything in the world.
Well, on to baby Seth, so last night I put him down at 10 pm and was nervous about how he would sleep and how often he would wake up... but I had nothing to worry about, he slept straight through to 8 am. I actually left him asleep in his crib at 7:30 and his daddy took care of him. I am amazed at this turn of events it's really all I can talk about with anyone who has a willing ear, especially my patients, well the mom's anyway. ;) I am hoping it's not a fluke thing and it's something that he has transitioned to as he is maturing. If he continues on like this I have to say that I feel extremely lucky and blessed because I did not have to do that whole "letting him cry thing". Not that I haven't tried but I would give up after 20 minutes, I was content to just let him get there in his own time. I mean I absolutely love my time with him and even in the middle of the night I feel like he is worth any lack of sleep because he's my baby. I have loved every stage of his development so far, and at 6 mos. of age he is getting to be more fun every day. He is aware of so much more, you can tell even with food; he sees me eating or drinking something and he reaches out for it, I usually give him a taste and he seems to like it. He started getting solids right at 4 mos. very little at first and now he has one whole meal that is solids usually a madaline and a jar of bananas. I've tried other baby foods but have not found anything else that he likes. He's also getting better at sitting up without a prop, he's a little top heavy so his balance is not quite there but just a few more weeks and I don't think I'll have to worry about him toppling over anymore. I'm looking forward to that because then that will give me more photo opportunities and possibilities. I love photographing him.
Well that is all for today and hopefully next time I report in it will still be good news about Seth's sleeping progress.
Goodnight and Happy Wednesday!